Heather Elder Represents News

Monday, October 04, 2010

A very special note from a very special shoot.

David Martinez recently shot a very special project for Euro RSCG Life Chelsea  and Atripla.  Atripla is an HIV drug that is changing the lives of many patients.  David and his team were fortunate enough to be able to photograph the actual patients.  Over the course of the shoot, they got to know the patients, heard their stories and became friends.  It was a powerfully unique shoot that will stay with them always.

So, when WE received the thank you note it just added to the positive experience we had with the client and the agency.  
Since it is not everyday that a client sends US a thank you note, we felt compelled to share.  


I want to send you and your whole team our sincere thanks for giving us exceptionally beautiful images for our Atripla campaign. We've never had a job with this much complexity and variety of scenes before. Many things could have gone wrong, but everything went right. Your team was highly professional, yet the true success of the experience came from everyone being so warm and giving 110% of themselves. Even the primary talent sent us emails saying what a truly amazing experience it was for them, having HIV yet being treated without the fear of stigma, and that in itself is another reason to be thankful.

Thank you all for a great experience. I feel like going back and doing it all over again... 

Vicki Woliver
Associate Creative Director
Euro RSCG Life Chelsea
75 9th Avenue
New York,  NY  10011