Who ever said "Showing up is half the battle?"
Over the years we have been hosting what we call 'Portable Portfolio Shows.' These are shows at agencies that we are not able to get to in person so instead send all the elements and the art buyer helps us to host it. We make it really easy - everything is self contained. We send the books, some leave behinds and some itunes cards to raffle off and return fedex forms all is one big box with easy to follow instructions. As well we coordinate some unique treats.
The nice thing about these shows is that the agency can be flexible with their timing and they can leave the books out for as little or as long as they like. Sometimes it even works better because we AREN'T there and the creatives feel less pressured to look.
Our first one in our upcoming series was hosted by Jeri Singeltary at Fitzgerald + Co. We knew it was a big success when we received her email (of course we are sure the doughnuts from Sublime Doughnuts didn't help at all!).
Here is what Jeri had to say, "The event went WONDERFULLY!! I must tell you, that's the way to do portfolio reviews! The guys felt much more at ease and able to come and go without having to make small talk (Not that we don't like meeting with you guys, but on busy weeks like this they like to be able to pop in and out. ) I left the showing up for a few hours and we had a GREAT turnout!"
Who ever did say 'showing up is half the battle' surely wasn't a rep!